Exploring Furzton Lake with the ATTO Sport: A Scooter, Some Ducks, and a Full English

January 21, 2025

Exploring Furzton Lake with the ATTO Sport: A Scooter, Some Ducks, and a Full English

As General Manager for Movinglife in the UK, it seemed only fair I put our flagship ATTO Sport to the test on the public paths of Milton Keynes. Having recently moved to this mobility-friendly city, my wife, our two dogs, and my mother-in-law (MIL) decided to head out to Fuzton Lake for a proper family outing. It was our first lake exploration, so we packed the ATTO Sport into the car and set off, ready for a day of scooting, strolling, and enjoying the fresh air.

ATTO SPORT Folding Mobility Scooter in a car trunk

Prepping for the Adventure

The previous day, I’d managed to injure my already old and decrepit knee while helping unload a container of stock. So, while the original plan was for MIL to have all the fun, I decided I might need the ATTO Sport for a bit of a rest too. When we arrived, I unfolded the scooter, gave MIL a quick tutorial, and before I could say, “Watch out for joggers,” she was off! She cruised along the path with impressive confidence, leaving the rest of us scrambling to keep up like her personal entourage. After some frantic jogging to catch up, I quietly dialled the scooter’s speed down to a more manageable 3mph when she paused to watch the ducks. Let’s call it a thoughtful family management moment—not that she noticed!

A Midway Refeul: Scooting into the Hungry Horse

ATTO folding mobility scooter from Movinglife at a pub in England

Halfway through the two-mile loop, we stumbled upon a Hungry Horse, and with joggers whizzing by fulfilling their New Year’s resolutions, I convinced our crew to make a pit stop. I stuck to my own “eat better” plan by ordering a full English breakfast. (It’s better than eating worse, right?)

ATTO SPORT out for a ride in England with a dog along for teh ride.

The ATTO Sport handled the restaurant’s ramp with ease, and Jackie, now sitting on the ATTO was clearly loving the VIP treatment. I parked the scooter outside and locked it with the key fob—no chance of local teens turning it into a joyride. With our stomachs full and spirits high, we got back to the lake, ready to complete the circuit.

Sharing the Ride

After breakfast, MIL wanted to stretch her legs, so we switched places. With my dodgy knee begging for a break, I hopped on the scooter while she took a stroll. To make things even more relaxing, I activated the ATTO Sport’s cruise control, and off I went for an effortless glide around the path. The scooter’s smooth ride and adjustable speed made it a dream to use. Safe to say, it wasn’t just MIL who got to enjoy the ATTO Sport’s charm—it was my turn to cruise in comfort.

A Smooth Ride Around the Lake

Folding mobility scooter out for a test drive

The paths around Furzton Lake were impressively well-maintained, making them ideal for a mobility scooter. No tricky bumps, no awkward angles—just smooth, scenic cruising the entire way. MIL had a blast, I had some much-needed relief for my knee, and I was genuinely impressed with how accessible and well-thought-out the area was for people with mobility needs.

Final Thoughts

This trip wasn’t just a family outing—it was a chance to see how the ATTO Sport performs in real-world conditions, and it didn’t disappoint. MIL loved her morning out, Jackie got to meet some ducks, and I got a good breakfast and a reminder of why I’m so passionate about these scooters.

If you’re in or around Milton Keynes and fancy giving the ATTO Sport a spin, let me know. I’d be happy to set up a test drive—maybe even around Furzton Lake. Just remember: if you’re bringing a MIL and a dog, be prepared to feel like their entourage.

Here’s to more lakes, more adventures, and maybe another full English. Cheers!

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